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Intimacy Coordinators in the production process

How does an intimacy coordinator provide value to both performers and production?

For performers, an intimacy coordinator:

  • Provides an important safety net for performers working in hyper-exposed scenes that respects the boundaries and comfort of actors. If needed, IC's work with actors on movement and blocking to ensure scenes look and feel realistic.

For a production, an intimacy coordinator:

  • Ensures the safety of personnel in hyper-exposed scenes, facilitates coordination between production departments to fulfill the director's and production's vision, and can also help avoid any unnecessary production delays.

What does it look like to be an Intimacy Coordinator Pre-Production 💭

  • Meets with the creative team (director, writer, sometimes AD, sometimes producers) to discuss the details of the intimate scenes in the script in order determine the creative vision. We ask questions about the tone, degree of nudity, the specifics of any simulated sex and any other pertinent details. We really want to understand the creative vision so we can work effectively with all the teams involved.

  • Meets one-on-one with performers to ensure clear communication regarding any nudity, simulated sex or hyper-exposed situation. We discuss boundaries, barriers, and generate the descriptive language to be used in the nudity or simulated sex rider, and discuss any other consideration for the filming of the scene.

  • Communicates as needed with departments such as costumes, props, prosthetics, hair and and makeup, and AD team to ensure that the performers are provided with appropriate nudity garments, barriers, prosthetics, and to ensure a closed set protocols.

  • Attends production meetings

  • Ensures continued ongoing consent during rehearsal process.

  • Facilitates resolution of any discrepancies in agreements or expectations between actors and productions.

What does it look like to be an Intimacy Coordinator On-Set 🎬

  • Checks in with actors, wardrobe, Hair and makeup, and AD team to make sure all is set to shoot.

  • Reviews nudity riders, scene content, modesty garments and barriers with performers, directors and assistant directors.

  • Ensures the proper implementation of closed-set protocols and SAG-AFTRA Guidelines.

  • Attends and facilitates closed rehearsal with first team.

  • Serves as a resource for directors and assistant directors (as needed) with any specialized movement or choreography to ensure consent and safety while enhancing believability and creative vision.

  • Ensures continued consent throughout the filming of the scene (both consent to what their likeness is seen performing, and how the action is achieved) while minimizing interference in production flow.

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